I am sure that you have had a week like mine. I headed back to work this week to see clients for therapy and all my streamlined management techniques seemed to fly out the window. Consequently, my normal end of week email didn’t go out. So, here we are at the start of the next week, and I have much to share.
It was lovely seeing how all my clients had grown over the summer, both in height and in skill. And, I must admit it was nice to put my therapy hat back on. Here is a little run down of what happened in my therapy room this week.
Jono and I flew to space, where we worked on prepositions and basic concepts. We used a big and small star fighter ship, various sized Martians and men. Jono commanded where everyone was to be stationed using his concept words. Of course, there was a battle at the end, which contained more noises than words, but it was fun.
Miss T (my reluctant Artic medial l) and I decided it was craft day, so we made all our articulation targets using craft before sticking them on a hot pink piece of paper. This activity didn’t cover a huge number of words, but it did recreate a high number of repetitions as we reminded ourselves what we were making with every craft piece. As we stuck them on the paper we produced the highly practiced word in a sentence.
Rohan and I put a sticky spin on our work on pronouns. We used sticky notes of girls and boys stuck on a large piece of butcher’s paper. We had to draw some other props to set the scene. This activity produced a high number of sentences, which were replicated when reporting back to mum. When the client gets proficient at using she and he, the activity could be extended by swapping the stickies around, challenging the client to swap between she and he. My favourite place to find these stickies is eBay. Here is a link to but there are many which sell them.
Tom and I got heaps of playdough under our nails making items which we like to have for dinner and breakfast. It has taken me a while to allow multiple colours of playdough out at once. I hated the possibility that colours might be mixed! It was worth me letting go of my rigidity in this area as we could brainstorm and make heaps of foods. We were also able to talk about which ones were hot/cold, round/long/small, what we would need to eat them with (soup with a fork just doesn’t work!) and where they sat on the yummy scale. A very productive session with heaps of language (and multi-colour playdough under my fingernails)
So, what have you been up this week? Leave a comment. I would love to hear about your awesome sessions.
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