Clinical Coaching

You run a busy clinic, clinical load, administration, staff management, and making sure that the bills are paid on time.  It is so easy to forget the importance of professional development for yourself and your team.

What if there was an experienced speech pathologist with extensive experience in both the private and public sector and running private practice who is here to help?

There is!

At Speech Concepts, we provide online and face to face clinical coaching. We’d love to speak with you about what we can offer to support you.

I am passionate about ongoing clinical education.  I love attending professional development days but also acknowledge the immense amount of information I have learnt from my colleagues.  Improving and challenging my professional practice is ongoing 25 years down the track.  The value of in and out of discipline coaching is invaluable.

We promote different coaching experiences within my private practice.  We all have professional goals, and we rotate our coaching partners so that we receive a range of approaches which challenge our growth.

Starting with a free 30-minute consultation, we discuss your current needs and frame your initial goals.  With these goals in mind, one-hour coaching sessions are scheduled to work through and coach you on specific areas.

For some, only a few sessions are required, but many of my clients find that an ongoing arrangement suits their needs as their goals develop and shift.

In some circumstances, we find group coaching to be an effective way to meet the needs of a practice.  Group sessions have worked well in instances where a practice is trying to implement a new clinical approach.

The important thing is targeting sessions around your goals and meeting your clinical needs.

If you are interested in discussing a coaching relationship further please contact me at