Need activities to target goals but themed around Easter?
Welcome to the Easter Mega Pack. Our bright colourful pack contains activities targeting:
Targets are included for k g f sh l and s in initial, medial and final positions.
These cute bunnies have pictures hidden under their tails. Simply print off and affix the tails over the pictures.
Another option is the feed the bunny pages. Colour or stamp your way through the page of targets.
Antonyms (pictures) and synonym (words) pairs are placed on bright eggs. Backing sheets are provided if you want to play memory or snap.
Brainstorming is as easy as spinning a paperclip for a category.
Preposition cards are easy to print and cut apart. Where is the bunny? .
Personal and possessive pronouns can be targeted using the included activity.. Pronouns can also be targeted using the Scene page for more generalised sentences.
Scene page
The scene page can be used for following instruction or for expressive language targets.
And finally – a sequencing activity.
We hope this makes planning straightforward and easy.
Happy Easter.
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